Rizal Shrine, Intramuros
The Rizal Shrine, also known as the Museo ni José Rizal Fort Santiago, is a museum dedicated to José Rizal's lifework and is located on Santa Clara Street in Fort Santiago, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. During Spain's colonization of the islands, Fort Santiago operated as a barracks for Spanish artillery soldiers. The museum is housed in the same structure where Rizal spent his final night and hid his famous poem Mi ltimo adiós in an oil lamp that was eventually presented to his sister, Trinidad.
Rizal Shrine, Intramuros
Rizal Shrine, Intramuros
Exhibit contents
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Rizal Monument, Japan
Rizal Monument, Madrid
Church of St. James the Greater
Paco Park, Manila
Rizal Shrine, Intramuros
Captain Carniero’s Home
Mi Retiro Rock, Dapitan City
Wawa Dam, Dapitan City
Casa Cuadrada, Dapitan City
Casa Redonda, Dapitan City
The Jose Rizal Shrine, Calamba
First Rizal Monument, Daet, Camarines Sur
Beyond the Classroom
Rizal Shrine, Intramuros
Exhibit contents
More exhibits
Rizal Monument, Japan
Rizal Monument, Madrid
Church of St. James the Greater
Paco Park, Manila
Rizal Shrine, Intramuros
Captain Carniero’s Home
Mi Retiro Rock, Dapitan City
Wawa Dam, Dapitan City
Casa Cuadrada, Dapitan City
Casa Redonda, Dapitan City
The Jose Rizal Shrine, Calamba
First Rizal Monument, Daet, Camarines Sur
Created:May 27, 2022Last updated:May 27, 2022
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