To Elevate: The Legacy of Huston-Tillotson University
To Elevate demonstrates the legacy of Huston-Tillotson University, an HBCU (Historic Black College/University) in Austin, Texas. The exhibit tells the story of those that planted the seeds of Huston-Tillotson’s beginnings, those that carefully tended and spent their life’s energy on managing, improving, and building upon HT, as well as those that continue to pass the torch onward in the elevation of its mission. For the full exhibit, visit: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/f959ebdb1da8497bb4323f
To Elevate: The Legacy of Huston-Tillotson University
To Elevate: The Legacy of Huston-Tillotson University
Exhibit contents
- Introduction
- HBCUs: 'Roots that Run Deep'
- Tillotson College
- Samuel Huston College
- Huston-Tillotson College
- Huston-Tillotson University
- Presidents: Past and Present
- HT Faculty
- HT Alumni - Volume 1 (A-G)
- HT Alumni - Volume 2 (H-M)
- HT Alumni - Volume 3 (N-Z)
- Dr. Reuben Shannon Lovinggood
- Dr. Mary Elizabeth Branch
- Rev. Dr. Karl Everette Downs
- Dr. Lt. General John Quill Taylor King, Sr.
- Dr. John Jarvis "J.J." Seabrook
- Dr. Connie Yerwood Connor
- John Mason Brewer
- Comments
More exhibits
To Believe
To Hear
All together Here
To Vote
To Remember: Grief, Loss and Love Across Cultures
To Elevate: The Legacy of Huston-Tillotson University
Created:February 06, 2022Last updated:April 16, 2022View counter:899 views
Oakwood Cemetery Chapel
To Elevate: The Legacy of Huston-Tillotson University
Exhibit contents
- Introduction
- HBCUs: 'Roots that Run Deep'
- Tillotson College
- Samuel Huston College
- Huston-Tillotson College
- Huston-Tillotson University
- Presidents: Past and Present
- HT Faculty
- HT Alumni - Volume 1 (A-G)
- HT Alumni - Volume 2 (H-M)
- HT Alumni - Volume 3 (N-Z)
- Dr. Reuben Shannon Lovinggood
- Dr. Mary Elizabeth Branch
- Rev. Dr. Karl Everette Downs
- Dr. Lt. General John Quill Taylor King, Sr.
- Dr. John Jarvis "J.J." Seabrook
- Dr. Connie Yerwood Connor
- John Mason Brewer
- Comments
More exhibits
To Believe
To Hear
All together Here
To Vote
To Remember: Grief, Loss and Love Across Cultures
To Elevate: The Legacy of Huston-Tillotson University
Created:February 06, 2022Last updated:April 16, 2022View counter:899 views
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