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The Oakwood Cemetery Chapel Spring 2020 exhibit appreciates Austin’s musicians, including the Besserer Orchestra, the Gant Family, Ernest "Ernie" Mae Crafton Miller and Gene Ramey. They played in music halls such as Scholz Garten, Pressler Beer Garden, and the New Orleans Club. John and Alan Lomax were known for traveling the world to record folk music as musicologists. Read the full exhibit here: https://austin.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=546a62bfcb794e66bdf85711a7ff3e7e
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Created:February 09, 2022Last updated:February 11, 2022View counter:747 views
Oakwood Cemetery Chapel
To Hear
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Created:February 09, 2022Last updated:February 11, 2022View counter:747 views
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