To the Polls: Elections & Politics in Berrien County
Original hosted inside the Sheriff's Residence in 2020, this exhibit explored politics in Berrien County and included options to "vote" in various elections. Thank you to our partners for their temporary loans for this exhibit: The Heritage Museum (St. Joe), Bill Chickering, John Moga, and Tom Nelson.
Berrien Cty Historical Assoc.
To the Polls: Elections & Politics in Berrien County
To the Polls: Elections & Politics in Berrien County
Exhibit contents
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The Art of Textiles
To the Polls: Elections & Politics in Berrien County
St. Pickolas is Coming: The Christmas Pickle Parade of 1995
There's Going to be Fireworks
Berrien County Historical Association
To the Polls: Elections & Politics in Berrien County
Exhibit contents
More exhibits
The Art of Textiles
To the Polls: Elections & Politics in Berrien County
St. Pickolas is Coming: The Christmas Pickle Parade of 1995
There's Going to be Fireworks
Created:November 08, 2022Last updated:April 28, 2024
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