1st Annual Amazing Moss Park Art Fair
Amazing Moss Park Art Collective of contemporary Canadian artists who want to contribute to social change through their art. Addressing topics that impact us as human beings such as climate change, isolation, Covid,... Our business model contributes to the society directly or indirectly through our local community.
1st Annual Amazing Moss Park Art Fair
1st Annual Amazing Moss Park Art Fair
Exhibit contents
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Alan McKee, Digital Painter
Brian Hawkins, Figurative Artist and Portraitist
Giselle Silvestri, Contemporary Artist
Willow + Wyrd
Michael Jenkins, Photographer and Painter
Michael Sillers, Contemporary Artist and Photographer
Melanie Billark, An Emerging, Multi-Disciplinary, Toronto Based Artist
Dan Philips, Multimedia Artist
Rachelle Soloway, Knitted Fabric Artist
Colour Blots Creative
1st Annual Amazing Moss Park Art Fair
Created:October 26, 2020Last updated:October 26, 2020
Amazing Moss Park Art Collective
1st Annual Amazing Moss Park Art Fair
Exhibit contents
More exhibits
Alan McKee, Digital Painter
Brian Hawkins, Figurative Artist and Portraitist
Giselle Silvestri, Contemporary Artist
Willow + Wyrd
Michael Jenkins, Photographer and Painter
Michael Sillers, Contemporary Artist and Photographer
Melanie Billark, An Emerging, Multi-Disciplinary, Toronto Based Artist
Dan Philips, Multimedia Artist
Rachelle Soloway, Knitted Fabric Artist
Colour Blots Creative
1st Annual Amazing Moss Park Art Fair
Created:October 26, 2020Last updated:October 26, 2020
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