Contemporary Iterations of Ukiyo-e
This exhibition is an exploration of the ways that Ukiyo-e has changed and been re-interpreted in later years by different artists and movements. It explores Shin-hanga, or "new prints", as well as the parallel but very different woodblock movement, Sōsaku-hanga, or "creative prints". The exhibit also discusses modern woodcuts, and finally, it introduces Murakami Takashi, a current Japanese artist who integrates and draws upon the style and themes of Ukiyo-e within his work.
Contemporary Iterations of Ukiyo-e
Contemporary Iterations of Ukiyo-e
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Created:November 25, 2020Last updated:November 29, 2020
Ukiyo-e: Pictures of the Floating World
Contemporary Iterations of Ukiyo-e
Exhibit contents
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Created:November 25, 2020Last updated:November 29, 2020
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