LIKENING: An Introduction to the uses of Analogy in the Art World
This exhibit explores commonplace 'likenings' such as “Tom Thomson is the van Gogh of Canada” and Norval Morrisseau is “the Picasso of the North.” Innocent though they might seem, we need to take likenings seriously. On the positive side, they can surprise and enlighten us by triggering ‘ah-ha’ moments when we are ‘struck by likening’ in the sense of having an insight. These comparisons make arguments, both overtly and on the sly. They can also lead us into unfortunate comparisons.
McMaster Museum of Art
LIKENING: An Introduction to the uses of Analogy in the Art World
LIKENING: An Introduction to the uses of Analogy in the Art World
Exhibit contents
- §1 “Tom Thomson is the Van Gogh of Canada” / William Kurelek is “Canada’s Van Gogh.” How Many Vincents Were There?
- §2 Homer Watson is “The Canadian Constable”: Can a Likening Affect a Career?
- §3 George Grosz, “the German Hogarth”: Anachronism & Enlightenment?
- §4 From the “Picasso of the North” to the “Picasso of Photography”: Can Genius be Compared?
- §5 Jack Chambers, “The Canadian Puvis de Chavannes”: Can Classicism be Contemporary?
- §6 Getting some Distance on Likening
- Handlist of Works in the 2017 exhibition / the Curator
- Comments
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LIKENING: An Introduction to the uses of Analogy in the Art World
Struck by Likening Redux
LIKENING: An Introduction to the uses of Analogy in the Art World
Exhibit contents
- §1 “Tom Thomson is the Van Gogh of Canada” / William Kurelek is “Canada’s Van Gogh.” How Many Vincents Were There?
- §2 Homer Watson is “The Canadian Constable”: Can a Likening Affect a Career?
- §3 George Grosz, “the German Hogarth”: Anachronism & Enlightenment?
- §4 From the “Picasso of the North” to the “Picasso of Photography”: Can Genius be Compared?
- §5 Jack Chambers, “The Canadian Puvis de Chavannes”: Can Classicism be Contemporary?
- §6 Getting some Distance on Likening
- Handlist of Works in the 2017 exhibition / the Curator
- Comments
More exhibits
LIKENING: An Introduction to the uses of Analogy in the Art World
Created:July 06, 2020Last updated:August 13, 2020
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