Exhibit contents
- Did you know that there are around 20,000 bee species in the world?
- A bee or not a bee, that is the question
- Looking like a bee has its advantages
- Am I a bee? Do you think you can identify which of the following insects is a bee?
- Did you know that honey bees are different than other bees?
- How and why do honey bees make honey?
- A History of Beekeeping
- Beekeeping in Wisconsin
- A Beekeeper's Uniform and their Toolbox
- Honey bees are not only kept for honey. They are also used for pollination.
- What is pollination and how do bees pollinate?
- Bees have a huge impact on what you eat. Bees pollinate 71 of the top 100 crops eaten by 90% of the world’s population.
- Did you know Wisconsin relies on bees too?
- What are some threats to bees?
- What are some ways you can help bees?
- Comments
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The Neville Public Museum
Exhibit contents
- Did you know that there are around 20,000 bee species in the world?
- A bee or not a bee, that is the question
- Looking like a bee has its advantages
- Am I a bee? Do you think you can identify which of the following insects is a bee?
- Did you know that honey bees are different than other bees?
- How and why do honey bees make honey?
- A History of Beekeeping
- Beekeeping in Wisconsin
- A Beekeeper's Uniform and their Toolbox
- Honey bees are not only kept for honey. They are also used for pollination.
- What is pollination and how do bees pollinate?
- Bees have a huge impact on what you eat. Bees pollinate 71 of the top 100 crops eaten by 90% of the world’s population.
- Did you know Wisconsin relies on bees too?
- What are some threats to bees?
- What are some ways you can help bees?
- Comments
More exhibits
Created:April 22, 2020Last updated:June 01, 2020
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