PARK SU-GEUN (1914 - 1965)
The artist who is inherently Korean, Korean Millet, etc. Despite these different names, I believe the keyword that describes Park Su Geun is resilience. He was a resilient person who expressed the resilience of Korean people during the time of the Japanese occupation by painting Korean people’s daily lives.
PARK SU-GEUN (1914 - 1965)
PARK SU-GEUN (1914 - 1965)
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Na Hye-Sok (나혜석, 1896-1948)
Pai Un Soung (1901-1978)
Kim In-Seung (1910-2001)
Whanki Kim (1913-1974)
PARK SU-GEUN (1914 - 1965)
Lee Jung Seob (1916-1956)
Modern Korean Art & Western Influence
PARK SU-GEUN (1914 - 1965)
Exhibit contents
More exhibits
Na Hye-Sok (나혜석, 1896-1948)
Pai Un Soung (1901-1978)
Kim In-Seung (1910-2001)
Whanki Kim (1913-1974)
PARK SU-GEUN (1914 - 1965)
Lee Jung Seob (1916-1956)
Created:November 29, 2020Last updated:November 30, 2020
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