Forty Years / Forty Artifacts
Housed in the town’s 1881 schoolhouse the Lyons Redstone Museum opened to the public in 1979. 2019 brought the 40th Anniversary of operation and an opportunity to celebrate the history of Lyons as told through the stories of 40 artifacts from the museum's collection. The exhibit comprised of objects, photographs, and documents shows the depth and breadth of the museum’s collections.
Forty Years / Forty Artifacts
Forty Years / Forty Artifacts
Exhibit contents
- A Schoolhouse Evolves
- 40 Artifacts from the Collection
- 1. The Lyons 1881 Schoolhouse
- 2. William Colt's Fainting Couch
- 3. Kitchen Cabinet, 1912
- 4. Prehistoric Axe Heads
- 5. Moomaw Bird Diorama
- 6. Newton Thomas paintings
- 7. Plug and Feathers
- 8. 1929 Explosives Box
- 9. Coffintop Dam Model
- 10. Maid of Meadow Park Photograph
- 11. Bank of Lyons Teller Cage
- 12. Wood Water Pipe
- 13. Bar 6 Rascal Ranch Bell
- 14. Stereographs of Lyons
- 15. Lyons Post Office Boxes
- 16. Della Burke Saddle
- 17. Rebuild Lyons Banner
- 18. Gas Mask in Bag
- 19. E.S. Lyon Bill of Rubble
- 20. Edward S. Lyon Portrait
- 21. Lillie Lyon Thorne Smith Dress
- 22. Lyons Depot Sign
- 23. Lions Club Chuck Wagon Dinner Banner
- 24. Centennial Disk 1881-1981
- 25. Lyons High School Class of 1915
- 26. Teachers Register Grade Books, 1920-1961
- 27. Baseball Uniform
- 28. Huss Market Poster
- 29. Police Register, 1891-1910
- 30. Lyons Woman’s Club Scrapbook
- 31. The Longest Rope by D. F. Baber
- 32. Lyons Drug Store Booths
- 33. View of Lyons from Bull Hill Photograph
- 34. Field Camera 8x10 AGFA/ANSCO C-1, manufactured 1941-1943
- 35. George Washington Portrait
- 36. Guinness World Records Certificate & Etch-A-Sketch
- 37. Map of the Proposed Longs Peak Road
- 38. Pansy Quilt
- 39. 1902-1903 Lyons Recorder Newspapers
- 40. World War II diary of Charles P. Swift
- Acknowledgments
More exhibits
Lyons Flood
The Colt Family in Lyons
Stories from the Lyons Cemetery
Forty Years / Forty Artifacts
Lyons Redstone Museum
Forty Years / Forty Artifacts
Exhibit contents
- A Schoolhouse Evolves
- 40 Artifacts from the Collection
- 1. The Lyons 1881 Schoolhouse
- 2. William Colt's Fainting Couch
- 3. Kitchen Cabinet, 1912
- 4. Prehistoric Axe Heads
- 5. Moomaw Bird Diorama
- 6. Newton Thomas paintings
- 7. Plug and Feathers
- 8. 1929 Explosives Box
- 9. Coffintop Dam Model
- 10. Maid of Meadow Park Photograph
- 11. Bank of Lyons Teller Cage
- 12. Wood Water Pipe
- 13. Bar 6 Rascal Ranch Bell
- 14. Stereographs of Lyons
- 15. Lyons Post Office Boxes
- 16. Della Burke Saddle
- 17. Rebuild Lyons Banner
- 18. Gas Mask in Bag
- 19. E.S. Lyon Bill of Rubble
- 20. Edward S. Lyon Portrait
- 21. Lillie Lyon Thorne Smith Dress
- 22. Lyons Depot Sign
- 23. Lions Club Chuck Wagon Dinner Banner
- 24. Centennial Disk 1881-1981
- 25. Lyons High School Class of 1915
- 26. Teachers Register Grade Books, 1920-1961
- 27. Baseball Uniform
- 28. Huss Market Poster
- 29. Police Register, 1891-1910
- 30. Lyons Woman’s Club Scrapbook
- 31. The Longest Rope by D. F. Baber
- 32. Lyons Drug Store Booths
- 33. View of Lyons from Bull Hill Photograph
- 34. Field Camera 8x10 AGFA/ANSCO C-1, manufactured 1941-1943
- 35. George Washington Portrait
- 36. Guinness World Records Certificate & Etch-A-Sketch
- 37. Map of the Proposed Longs Peak Road
- 38. Pansy Quilt
- 39. 1902-1903 Lyons Recorder Newspapers
- 40. World War II diary of Charles P. Swift
- Acknowledgments
More exhibits
Lyons Flood
The Colt Family in Lyons
Stories from the Lyons Cemetery
Forty Years / Forty Artifacts
Created:July 10, 2020Last updated:July 31, 2020
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