The Medals of Edward Kelk
The Medals of Edward Kelk
Exhibit contents
- The Military General Service Medals issued to Edward Kelk
- The Mystery: But why are there two existing Military General Service Medals issued to Edward Kelk?
- My Search for Edward Kelk's Medals
- A correct MGSM was issued to Edward
- The 12 Clasps on Edward Kelk's Peninsular War Medal
- Waterloo Campaign 1815
- Later History
- Edward Kelk's Discharge Papers
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The Medals of Edward Kelk
Exhibit contents
- The Military General Service Medals issued to Edward Kelk
- The Mystery: But why are there two existing Military General Service Medals issued to Edward Kelk?
- My Search for Edward Kelk's Medals
- A correct MGSM was issued to Edward
- The 12 Clasps on Edward Kelk's Peninsular War Medal
- Waterloo Campaign 1815
- Later History
- Edward Kelk's Discharge Papers
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Stone Work of Ancient Peru
The Medals of Edward Kelk
Created:May 13, 2018Last updated:May 17, 2018
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