Maati ki Handi
A handi is a deep, wide-mouthed cooking vessel, originating from the Indian subcontinent, used in north Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi cooking. Because there are many specific dishes from the Indian subcontinent cooked in this vessel, their names reflect its use, such as handi biryani.A handi is also known as a tasla or tasli in many provinces of India. These names are given on the basis of its size and design. Tasla or tasli have a less wide mouth than handi and are much deeper; they resemble a pot w
Maati ki Handi
Maati ki Handi
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Maati ki Handi
Indian Immigrants Food History Museum
Maati ki Handi
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Maati ki Handi
Created:September 28, 2020Last updated:September 28, 2020
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