Service and Sacrifice
The cryptologic mission can be a dangerous one. Around the globe, men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces place themselves in harm’s way to gather the adversaries’ communications and to secure their own information. Sometimes, they pay the ultimate sacrifice.
Service and Sacrifice
Service and Sacrifice
Exhibit contents
More exhibits
What Is Cryptology?
NSA Seal Mosaic
Secrets of the Ancients
Museum Library
Service and Sacrifice
Loss of the U.S.S. Pueblo
Attack on the Liberty
African American Experience
Rare Book Collection
Early Cryptography Cipher Devices
Revolutionary War
Civil War
Meet the Friedmans
U.S. Navy Bombe
The Magic of PURPLE
Battle of Midway
Colossus and Other Early Cryptologic Machines
More About Colossus
Native American Code Talkers
Cold War and Vietnam
Gallery III - Protecting America's Secrets
National Command and Control
Protecting Communications in Space
Cyber Drive
Search Collection
Activities: Older Kids / Adults
National Cryptologic Museum
Service and Sacrifice
Exhibit contents
More exhibits
What Is Cryptology?
NSA Seal Mosaic
Secrets of the Ancients
Museum Library
Service and Sacrifice
Loss of the U.S.S. Pueblo
Attack on the Liberty
African American Experience
Rare Book Collection
Early Cryptography Cipher Devices
Revolutionary War
Civil War
Meet the Friedmans
U.S. Navy Bombe
The Magic of PURPLE
Battle of Midway
Colossus and Other Early Cryptologic Machines
More About Colossus
Native American Code Talkers
Cold War and Vietnam
Gallery III - Protecting America's Secrets
National Command and Control
Protecting Communications in Space
Cyber Drive
Search Collection
Activities: Older Kids / Adults
Created:December 23, 2020Last updated:October 05, 2022
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