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  • The Museum of Beyoutiful Bock where the Story of her never ends to tell Another

    The Museum of Brettani Bock, Where the Story of her never ends to tell a Another, she reveals what her subconscious mind has given her, a gift to express words on canvas, paint her feelings with color...

  • The Art in Her Story

    The Art of on HER-story is focused on 8 female artists who have expressed themselves through exhibitions of their work to the public around the world. The exhibit features 8 inspiring female artists,...

  • The Art of Man

    great paintings from around the world

  • Catalogue Raisonne of Alan ReNae Neal

    The most complete available collection of work by the artist Alan ReNaé Neal. It is an ongoing collection, and will grow as each day goes by.

  • Dream Artist Studio

    Acrylic on canvas, from landscapes to abstract

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